These labs are intended to accompany a course using The Analysis of Biological Data by Whitlock and Schluter. The materials will follow the same order and level as this text. (The labs are designed to be used approximately one per week during a course–there is not a one-to-one correspondence between chapters in ABD and tutorials.)

These labs have two main functions. First, they are intended to facilitate active learning in some core concepts in introductory statistics. Second, they introduce a key tool in modern statistics, the widely-used, open source statistic program called R.

Before using these labs, download the zip file containing Data, R scripts, and other resources for these labs. Remember to start RStudio from the “ABDLabs.Rproj” file in that folder to make these exercises work more seamlessly.

Some of the exercises in these labs depend on working in a group environment, but other than the lab on Sampling, this is not required. An individual working on their own could accomplish the same learning goals with these labs.

These labs are a work in progress. All comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated. If something is not working or can be improved, please let us know. Please e-mail Mike Whitlock at with any thoughts you have about how these tutorials can be improved.

Instructors, please e-mail Mike Whitlock for a link to some instructor notes on these labs.

Other resources for Whitlock and Schluter The Analysis of Biological Data are available chapter by chapter here.

R tutorials by topic

0. Loading R and RStudio

1. Intro to R, Part 1

2. Intro to R, Part 2

3. Graphics

4a. Making data files for R

4b. Sampling

5. Describing data

6. Frequency data

7. Contingency analysis

8. Normal distribution and sample means

9. Comparing means of two groups


11. Correlation and regression

References and data sources for all tutorials