This website is for The Analysis of Biological Data, 3rd edition, by Michael Whitlock and Dolph Schluter, an introductory textbook on statistics aimed at biology students.

The website for the 1st and 2nd editions is still live at

This site has several resources to augment the main text, including a series of R labs using the R statistical package, do it yourself with R code for all book examples, a series of concept visualizations to develop intuition about some of the trickier concepts in statistics, and the data files for all examples and problems in the book.

The R labs follow the same order and level as the textbook. They are designed to be used approximately one per week during a course. There is not a one-to-one correspondence between chapters in the textbook and the R labs.

Other resources for using the book are available at Sapling Learning from the publisher’s website.

As always, we welcome comments and suggestions from users of the book. We particularly like to know when something is wrong or that can be improved – please e-mail Mike Whitlock to let him know of any typos or errors that we can fix in later printings.

Here is a list of corrections that have been previously found.