R lab

A lab on how to calculate basic descriptive statistics in R, and related topics, is available here.

R code for book examples

R code to analyze all examples in chapter 3 is available here.


Download a .zip file with all the data for chapter 3 in .csv format here.

Download a .zip file with all data sets in the book here.

All data sets and their sources are listed individually below.

Disclaimer: Most data sets used in the book are grabbed from graphs and tables in the original publications, and the values may not be exact. Contact the original authors for the raw data.

Data for examples

Example 3.1. Gliding snakes

Socha, J. J. 2002. Nature 418: 603-604.

Table 3.1-2 Criminal convictions
The full data set we analyzed is here.

Farrington, D. P. 1994. Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development [Great Britain], 1961-1981. 2nd ICPSR ed. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, Ann Arbor, MI. Data link

Example 3.2. Amputated spiders

Ramos, M., D. J. Irschick, and T. E. Christenson. 2004. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 101: 4883–4887.

Example 3.3. Stickleback lateral plates

Colosimo, P. F., et al. 2004. PLOS Biology 2: 635–641.

Data for problem sets

01. Systolic blood pressure

These data are hypothetical.

02. Systolic blood pressure, larger sample

These data are hypothetical.

06. Kenya finches

Schluter, D. 1988. Ecological Monographs 58: 229-249.

07. Amputated spiders

Ramos, M., D. J. Irschick, and T. E. Christenson. 2004. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 101: 4883–4887.

09. Rigor mortis

Pounder, D. J. 1995. Postmortem changes and time of death. University of Dundee. http://www.dundee.ac.uk/forensicmedicine/llb/timedeath.htm

15. Vasopressin voles

Lim, M. M., et al. 2004. Nature 429:754-757.

16. Diet breadth El Verde

Waide R. B., and W. B. Reagan, eds. 1996. The food web of a tropical rainforest. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

20. Sparrow reproduction

Jensen, H., et al. 2004. Journal of Animal Ecology 73: 599-611.

22. Yeast mutant growth rate

Steinmetz, L. M., et al. 2002. Nature Genetics 1:400-404.

23. Zebra fish boldness

Norton, W. H. J., et al. 2011. Journal of Neuroscience 31:13796-13807.

27. Gliding snakes

Socha, J. J. 2002. Nature 418: 603-604.

28. Sea urchin bindin

Palumbi, S. R. 1999. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96: 12632-12637.

31. Popcorn times

u/sp__ace 2018. Popcorn analytics. www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/8uo1q9/popcorn_analytics_oc/. Accessed July 30, 2019.