R lab

A lab on how to carry out frequency analaysis in R, and related topics, is available here.

Learn R by example

We used R to analyze all examples in chapter 79. We’ve put the code here so that you can too.


Download a .zip file with all the data for chapter 7 in .csv format here.

Download a .zip file with all data sets in the book here.

All data sets and their sources are listed individually below.

Disclaimer: Most data sets used in the book are grabbed from graphs and tables in the original publications, and the values may not be exact. Contact the original authors for the raw data.

Data for examples

Example 7.2. Sex and the X chromosome

Wang, P. J., J. R. McCarrey, F. Yang, and D. C. Page. 2001. Nature Genetics 27: 422–426.

Example 7.3. She turtles

Jensen, M. P. et al. 2018. Current Biology 28:154-159.

Data for problem sets

02. Which ear for questions

Marzoli, D., and L. Tommasi. 2009. Naturwissenschaften 96:1099–1106.

04. Honesty wallets

Devlin, H. 2009. The Times. www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/uk/article1967384.ece link www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/uk/article1967384.ece. Accessed August 4, 2019.

05. John Wayne

Adams, C. 1984. Straight Dope. www.straightdope.com/columns/read/374/did-john-wayne-die-of-cancer-caused-by-a-radioactive-movie-set. link Accessed August 4, 2019.

06. Cocaine on dollar bills

Jenkins, A. J. 2001. Forensic Science International 121:189–193.

08. Eyelash mites

Abd-El-Al, A. M., A. M. Bayoumy, and E. A. Abou Salem. 1997. Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology 27:183-95.

09. Garden spider cannibalism

Elgar, M.A., and D.R. Nash. 1988. Animal Behaviour 36:1511-1517.

10. Range shifts with climate change

Parmesan, C., et al. 1999. Nature 399: 579–583.

12. Mouse fetal testosterone

vom Saal, F. S., and F. H. Bronson. 1980. Science 208: 597–599.

15. Christmas deaths

Young, D. C., and E. M. Hade. 2004. Journal of the American Medical Association 292: 3012–3016.

16. Plant chemical defenses

Farrell, B. D., D. E. Dussord, and C. Mitter. 1991. The American Naturalist 138: 881–900.

18. Food injuries

Winder, B., et al. 2002. Applied Ergonomics 33: 433–438

19. Finding love through pets

Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. 2005. www.expertguide.com.au/news/article.aspx?ID=273 link. Accessed Aug 4, 2019.

21. Butter side down

The Sum. 2001. The Sum www.counton.org/thesum/issue-07/issue-07-page-05.htm link Accessed Aug 4, 2019.

22. Surgical site infections

Coello, C. A., et al. 2005. Journal of Hospital Infection 60: 93–103.

24. Helping at the nest

Russell, A. F., and B. J. Hatchwell. 2001. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, Biological Sciences 268, 2169-2174.

25. Dog food pâté

Bohannon, J., R. Goldstein, and A. Herschkowitsch. 2009. American Association of Wine Economics Working Paper #36.

26. Suicide season

Valtonen, H., et al. 2006. Journal of Affective Disorders 90:201–207.

27. Roadkill

Rober, M. 2012. www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-Fp7flAWMA&list=SP45865A763BAB32CA&index=5 link. Accessed August 4, 2019.

29. Catfish hunting

Cucherousset, J., et al. 2012. PLoS ONE 7:e50840.

31. Leaning trees

Johns, J. W., et al. 2017. Worldwide hemisphere‐dependent lean in Cook pines. Ecology* 98: 2482-2484.

32. Bombardier beetles

Sugiura, S., and T. Sato. 2018. Biology Letters 14: 20170647.

33. Alzheimer in neurosurgeons

Lollis, S. S., et al. 2010. Journal of Neurosurgery 113: 474-478.