R lab

A lab on how to carry out analyses in R related to this topic is available here.

Learn R by example

We used R to analyze all examples in chapter 13. We’ve put the code here so that you can too.


Download a .zip file with all the data for chapter 13 in .csv format here.

Download a .zip file with all data sets in the book here.

All data sets and their sources are listed individually below.

Disclaimer: Most data sets used in the book are grabbed from graphs and tables in the original publications, and the values may not be exact. Contact the original authors for the raw data.

Data for examples

Example 13.1. Marine reserves

Halpern, B. S. 2003. Ecological Applications 13: S117-S137.

Example 13.4. Sexual conflict and species

Arnqvist, G., M. Edvardsson, U. Friberg, and T. Nilsson. 2000. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 97: 10460-10464.

Example 13.5. Sexual cannibalism

Chadwick Johnson, J., T. M. Ivy, and S. K. Sakaluk. 1999. Behavioral Ecology 10: 227-233.

Data for problem sets

01. Country health expenditure

The World Bank. 2013. Health expenditure per capita (current US$). http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SH.XPD.PCAP/, accessed March 12, 2013.

02. Goldeneye parasitism

Andersson, M., and M. Ählund. 2012. The American Naturalist 180: 354-363.

03. Recycling

Catlin, J. R., and Y. Wang. 2012. Journal of Consumer Psychology 23:122-127.

07. Lion infanticide

Packer, C., and A. E. Pusey. 1983. The American Naturalist 121: 716-728.

08. Newt resistance

Geffeney, S., E. D. Brodie, Jr., P. C. Ruben, and E. D. Brodie III. 2002. Science 297: 1336-1339.

12. Worm sperm

LaMunyon, C. W., and S. Ward. 1998. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, Biological Sciences 265: 1997-2002.

13. Dioecy and species

Heilbuth, J. C. 2000. The American Naturalist 156: 221-241.

14. Mosquitoes

Lounibos, L. P., N. Nishimura, J. Conn, and R. Lourenco-de-Oliveira. 1995. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 90: 769-774.

15. Beetles and angiosperms

Farrell, B. D. 1998. Science 281: 555-559.

17. Zebra finches

McGraw, K. J., and D. R. Ardia. 2003. The American Naturalist 162: 704-712.

18. Sex partners

Faurie, C., D. Pontierb, and M. Raymond. 2004. Evolution and Human Behavior 25: 1-8.

19. Salmon color

Craig, J. K., and C. Foote. 2001. Evolution 55: 380-391.

20. Stress and mates

Griffith, S. C., S. R. Pryke, and W. A. Buttemer. 2011 Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, Series B 278:2798-2805.

24. Clearcuts

Laurance, W. F., et al. 1997. Science 278: 1117-1118.

25. Zebra finch beaks

Blount, J. B., et al. 2003. Science 300: 125-127.

26. Vuvuzela

Lai, K.-M., C. Bottomley, and R. McNerney. 2011. PLoS ONE 6: e20086.

27. Pseudoscorpions

Newcomer, S. D., J. A. Zeh, and D. W. Zeh. 1999. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 96: 10236-10241.

28. Army ants and silverfish

von Beeren et al. 2011. BMC Ecology 11:30

29. Wolbachia, mosquitoes, and dengue

Bian et al. 2010. PLoS Pathogens 6:e1000833

31. Gut flora and disease

Berer et al. 2011. Nature 479: 538-541.

32. Milky Way beetles

Foster, J. J., et al. 2017. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372: 20160079.

33. HIV mutations

Theys, K., et al. 2018. PLoS Genetics 14(6): e1007420.